Hexagon Blanket Part 2

Oofta! That was a lot of work...but now that you have all your hexagons and half hexagons made welcome to the next step of attaching them to each other!  Check out this picture tutorial for the easiest way to attach them.

New Abbreviations:
PUL - pull up a loop
YO - Yarn Over

Using your white yarn and size H hook you can SC your hexagons together like this. Check out the video below! ↓

Video Tutorial Join Hexagons

If you haven't by now, it would be a good time to stop and sew in the ends. My recommendation is to sew them in as you go! 

After you have attached your rows of Hexagons together you can sc your long rows together using the SC. See the video Tutorial for a visual on how to do that! 

Video Tutorial 4 


Attach yarn at a corner with a sl st 1 sc in the same st

Row 1: 1 SC placed evenly across the long sides of your blanket, 2 SC in each corner
See Video Turorial for zig-zag edge 

Row 2-4: HDC in each stitch, place 2 HDC in the corners 
(See video Tutorial for zig-zag edge)

Row 5: Puff stitch (insert your hook into the st, PUL, YO, PUL (Repeat 4x) pull through all 11 chain 1) sl st into the next st (See Video Tutorial for placement.) 

Video Tutorial: Edging

Finish off by weaving in your ends and your done!! I hope you love you light weight summer blanket as I do mine!


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